Everything You Need to Know About the Next-Gen Version of Cyberpunk 2077

The new update for Cyberpunk will be available directly on Xbox Series, and it will automatically continue from your saved files. However, on PS5, you will need to re-download the game and manually transfer your saved files.
The good news is that Update 1.5 offers many additional free contents, such as:
Residential Apartments
You can now rent apartments (with a one-time payment) when you find them in Night City, or via the EZEstates website accessible from your computer in the (V) apartment in the (H10) complex. These become available after completing the mission “Trying to Buy Time”. You can rent all apartments at once. All apartments share the same hideout.
Available apartments:
Northside, Watson (€5000$)
Japantown, Westbrook (€15000$)
Glen, Haywood (€40000$)
Corpo Plaza, City Center (€55000$)
Additionally, you can now customize your starting apartment (V) in the (H10) complex via the EZEstates website for €10000$.
Appearance Customization
You can now modify certain aspects of your appearance (such as hair, makeup, piercings, etc.) using the mirror available in any of your apartments or safehouses. This customization is free and can be used as often as you like. The customization now also includes more options for makeup and hair colors. Who’s the most stylish in the world now?
Combat AI
Multiple fixes and improvements to combat AI in long-range encounters, and its interactions with NPCs, including cover usage, positioning, reloading, resupply, dodging, blocking, and much more.
Improved effects for limb chopping, injury interactions, and animated death effects, adding greater impact to combat.
Enemies are now much better at blocking and evading (Kerenzikov) attacks. The heavier the weapon, the easier it is to land hits. The same applies for dodging.
Greater variety in combat behaviors for different factions: reckless, aggressive, balanced, defensive, and cautious.
Followers now contribute more to combat, but can be defeated and temporarily disabled if punished enough.
Multiple fixes and balance changes for network combat operators.
Crowd Enhancements
Aggressive crowd behavior: Certain NPCs can now engage in combat with the player and will do so if provoked by targeting, shooting, or combat. Due to some technical challenges, this change is not available on last-gen consoles.
Time skips affect NPC states, as well as resetting device states, environments, and certain scenes.
Improved crowd interactions, pathfinding, and hiding from the game world.
Driving Model
Introducing the new “Burnout Mode”! Hold fuel + brake to initiate a drift and steer. The previous system only allowed immediate turns; now you can experiment with inputs for exciting maneuvers! The new system works at higher speeds, allowing better handling during tight turns. Players using controllers will have better control, as they generally provide the preferred driving experience.
Improved braking system for more consistent performance at all speeds. Added ABS simulation and optimized the brakes for all vehicles.
Motor simulation improvements and added drag simulation, enhancing engine resistance and allowing for more realistic wheel slippage.
Transmission simulation improvements, including better downshifting behavior. Now, transmissions are more intelligent and maintain engine health better. Reworked forward <-> reverse gear shifting entirely for safer maneuvers.
Motorcycles received stability improvements. Other vehicle models like Quadra Model 66 and others were enhanced as well.
Added first-person views for all vehicles needing them, and vehicles with Crystal Dome technology now hide obstructions from the player’s view digitally.
Vehicle Traffic
Improved visual effects for traffic, including turning and stopping.
Fear interaction: NPCs can now flee if they sense danger. NPC passengers can die from vehicle accidents.
Vehicles now have a wider range of interactions when colliding, and their return to traffic is smoother.
Various changes to the economy, including increased rewards for missions and open-world activities, and reduced prices for vehicles and cyberware.
Rebalanced clothing mods, with some now specific to certain types of clothing. You must now adjust your inventory accordingly.
The game difficulty on “Easy” has been moderately increased for a greater challenge.
Two new statistics replace dodge: Evasion Chance and Evasion Strength, determining the frequency and effectiveness of damage mitigation.
Mods affecting evasion now also influence damage mitigation, such as “Evasive Reflexes”, “Evasive Queen”, “Vanishing Point”, and some clothing mods and cyberware.
Rebalanced DoT (damage-over-time) effects, such as burn, bleed, and poison.
Reduced the chance to block smart bullet paths with the glowing tattoos of (Tiger Claws).
A quieter way to escape from Night City police now exists, allowing players to hide during high pressure and avoid being chased easily.
You can now sell unused cyberware at the auto-control specialist.
Fixed tooltip hints for Cyberware descriptions, such as the blood pump’s cooldown time.
Now you can disable network hacking from enemies if they are targeted, providing more security with cybernetic systems.
Berserk now doubles stamina instead of providing infinite stamina.
Non-human NPCs no longer affected by tranquilizer darts in projectile launchers.